Saturday, July 12, 2014

William Hall (1763 - 1863?) and a reference to a Rev. War Nathan HALL

In trying to sort out the HALLs of middle Tennessee, there are many William HALL.  I am particularly interested in this one William who was definitely in Smith Co. TN, Sumner Co. TN and then Warrick County, Indiana.  I suspect he is a potential brother of Thomas HALL of Smith County.  The plethora of William HALLs (even just within Sumner County) makes it difficult to distinguish the identity of a specific one.  For example, there is Governor William HALL (born 1775) who appears in many, many records.  It is usually easier to spot him by his wealth, office, or prominence.  However, I do believe it is very possible this Governor William HALL is related to this other William HALL who also resided in Sumner County in the early 1800s.  I welcome discussion of these HALL families -

Thus I will begin with some William HALL records!  Our records begin with a mysterious Nathan HALL, a drummer in the NC Continental Line, who was granted land in Smith County, Tennessee.  Who is he?  In what NC county did he live?  How is he connected to William HALL, if at all? 

North Carolina Archives website – MAR catalog entry.  Details for File No. 1233, William SANDERS, Assignee of Heirs of Nathan HALL.

3 items in folder  Call number S.108.386, location 581 – 186.  Warrant originally issued to heirs of Nathan HALL for his service as a drummer in the continental line.  Grant # 2506, issued 12 November 1795,  Warrant # 1623.  Entered 21 September 1787, Book 89, page 422.  1000 acres.   

On a map in the Cumberland Pioneer Settlers book by Jack MASTERS and Bill PURYEAR, this land was located near another grant of 2560 acres to William SANDERS and adjacent to Tilman DIXON grant.  This is currently in Smith Co. TN but was Sumner Co. at that time.

17 Dec 1796

                General TN Land Grants, Book B, page 617, grant #1634 to William HALL

                Date: 11 Sep 1809

                For military service performed by Cornelius DEAN to the State of North

                Carolina warrant #4354 dated 17 Dec 1796 and entered 6 Feb 1797 by 6488.

                State of TN grants to Lewis MCFARLIN, assignee of the said Cornelius DEAN,

                274 acres lying in Smith County (formerly Sumner) in the First District on the

                North side of Cumberland river and on a south branch of Dry Creek, beginning

                at a buck north west corner of Colonel MURFREE’s survey of 1000 acres on the

                east boundary line of Captain William SANDER’s service right of 2560 acres

                running south 78 poles to a poplar corner of said SANDER’s survey thence

                west 16 poles to a dogwood sapling two poplars then south 113 poles to a

                hackberry then east 236 poles to a lynn, thence north 191 poles to an elm on the

                south boundary of said MURFREE’s line thence west 220 poles to the beginning.

                Surveyed 18 May 1808. 

                                                                                                                John SEVIER, Governor

                                                                                                                By R. HOUSTON, Secretary

                Recorded 20 Dec 1809


                The Honourable James GLASGOW, Esquire, Secretary of State, to Colonel

                Martin ARMSTRONG, Greeting.  Your are hereby required to lay off and survey

                for Cornelius DEAN, a Private, in the line of this state two hundred and seventy

                four acres of land, within the limits of the lands reserved by law for the officers

                and soldiers of the continental line of this state; observing the directions of the

                acts of Assemby in such case made and provided.  Two just and fair plans, with

                a certificate to each annexed, you are to transmit to my office within the time

                limited by law.  Given under my hand, at Raleigh, the 17th of December 1796.

                                                                                                                J. GLASGOW

                I do assign the within warrant to William HALL for value received as witness

                my hand                                                                                              Cornelius DEAN

                Test: Abr. SWAGERTY

                                Jesse SHARP

                                Jos. MARCOM

                No. Carolina, Wake County, personally appeared Abraham SWAGERTY, Jesse

                SHARP, and Joseph MARCOM before me & made oath that they saw Cornelius

                DEAN sign the within transfer as his act & deed.

                Dec. 30th, 1796                                                   Nathl. JONES, J. P.


                No. 4354

                Cornelius DEAN

                                274 Acres

                                Good Co

                Lewis MCFARLAND

                The Warrantee

                Lewis MCFARLAND, Claimant

                Cornelius DEAN  ____(?)

                202 Brall(?)

A.B. PRUITT, Tennessee Land Entries, Military Bounty Land, Martin Armstrong’s Office, Part 3, Warrants first series (#1 – 2500), Oct. 1783 – Sept. 1785, (1996), page 18

210.  warrant 1623; location 3347; Sept. 21, 1787 William SANDERS, assignee of Nathan HALL, heir of Nath. HALL, 1000 ac on N side of Cumberland R; border; joins his own service right on upper side and runs up the river; James SANDERS  [numbers differ] as above [signed] J. WILIS. 

A.B. PRUITT, Tennessee Land Entries, Military Bounty Land, Martin Armstrong’s Office, Part 1, Location Book (#3138 – 4839), (1996), page 494.

5301.  Mar. 12, 1785 warrant 1622 [no names] heirs of Drummer Nathan HALL 1,000 ac delivered to Jno. MARSHALL; 84 months; flie #49; grant to Wm. SANDERS; [for grant see file #1233 in Sumner Co.; MARS 12.14.18. 1117; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud]. 

Lands, Grants, Warrants, Plats, Etc., Sumner County, #1145 – 1396, Microfilm 1177, page 1233, Reel 37.  Tennessee State Library and Archives. 

No. 1233 – County – Sumner

Name – SANDERS, William


Acres 1000

Grant 2506

Issued 12 Nov. 1795

Entry 1623

Entered 2 Sept. 1787

Book No. 89, page 422

Location beg two beech trees.

Remarks; heirs Nathan HALL. 

                                                                                                                                                No. 1623

State of N. Carolina

The Hon. James GLASGOW, Esquire.  Secretary of State.

To col. Martin ARMSTRONG, Greeting. 

You are hereby requested to lay off land ___ for the heirs of Nathan HALL, a drummer , decd in the line of the State on thousand acres of land issued the ??? to the land reserved by Law for the Officers and Soldiers of the Continental Line of this state.

Observing the conditions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided for running out Lands two just and fair for laws thereof with a certificate ____ annexed___ to transmit to my office within the time permitted by law.

                                                                Given under my Hand at Fairfield the 12th day of March 1785.


A page shows plat including names of Thomas KILGORE and William HODER__(?), Sworn Chain. 

 NOTE: The drummer Nathan HALL was deceased by 1785.  It appears he never set foot on this land in what became TN.    However, he has an heir named Nathan HALL also! 

North Carolina Sumner County – Octobr. 6th, 1787

Agreeable to the enclosed warrant No. 1623 the entry dated September 21st, 1787 I have surveyed for William SANDERS, assignee of Nathan HALL, Junr., Heir of Nathan HALL one thousand acres of land in Sumner Co. and bounded as follows beginning at two beech trees on the North bank of Cumberland River and Corner to his own ___ rite of twenty five hundred and sixty acres and thence east two hundred poles with said line to a beech thence south five hundred and sixty five poles to a stake west to the river thence with his own the River with its several Meanders to the Beginning.

                                                                                Surveyed by Jas. SANDERS. D. S.

Martin ARMSTRONG, Senr. 

I, Nathan HALL, a Hear (sic) of Nathan HALL, Senr., Do hereby acknowledge to have recd of Will SANDERS the sum of ten pounds for my right of his the the said Nathan HALL’s bounty Lands as a Continental Soldier in the North Carolina Line and I do hear (sic) by transfare(sic) all my right and title for said Land to the said Will SANDERS his hears (sic) and ___(?) forever of witness my hand and seal this second day of Decr. One thousand seven hundred eighty four.

                                                                                                                                                Nathan (X) HALL


William (X) HALL

NOTE: That a William HALL who signed by mark was a witness to this document!   

ABSTRACT of the ARMY ACCOUNTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA LINE - settled by the commissioners at Halifax from the 1st September, 1784, to the 1st Feby, 1785 and at Warrenton in the year 1786, designating by whom the claims were receipted for respectively.

No.   Names and Rank           By Whom Received     Remarks

669   John Harris              William Sanders
684   John Hunt                   do
686   David Hatches               do
691   Solomon Hunter              do
693   Nathan Hall, Dr.            do
725   James Hall                  do
732   Benjamin Hester             do
2541  Miles Halfred             William Sanders
2552  Joshua Hall                  do

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