Friday, April 26, 2019

Thomas Hall Chain Carriers

Chain Carriers were often relatives or close friends of the person who was receiving the land.  It is time to investigate who the chain carriers were for Thomas Hall's land entries in Smith Co. TN. 

Tennessee Early Land Registers, 1778-1927, - Series 03, Plats and Surveys, Record Group 50, Book 28 (or 29), page 443.

State of Tennessee, First District
By virtue of Entry No. 12414 dated March the 25th 1814, founded on a Certificate Warrant No. 1722 issued by the Register of West Tennessee for 500 Acres, I have surveyed for Thomas HALL, assignee of John C. MCLEMORE, thirty acres of land in Smith County on the waters of Peytons Creek, beginning at a beech on William HEROD's west boundary line, running north forty nine poles to a sugar tree, west ninety eight poles to a beech, south forty nine poles to a sugar tree and walnut, east ninety eight poles to the beginning.  Surveyed Sept. 23rd, 1814.
                                                                                                                      Josiah HOWELL, D.S.
                                                                                                                      Filed 10 Decr. 1814
S. C. C. - William LANGFORD
                William PARKS
Survey Taken Out March 11th, 1815 by Thos. HALL

Tennessee Early Land Registers, 1778-1927, - Series 03, Plats and Surveys, Record Group 50, Book 20, page 327

State of Tennessee, First District
By virtue of entry No. 14804 dated March 30th, 1815 founded on a certificate issued by the Register of West Tennessee for 50 acres, I have surveyed for Thomas HALL, assignee of Josiah HOWELL, six acres of land in Smith County on the waters of Paytons Creek, beginning at a beech tree marked TH running south twenty poles to a dogwood and sugar tree, thence west forty four poles to three sugar trees, thence north twenty two poles a white oak, thence east forty four poles to the beginning.  Surveyed May the 4th, 1815.                                                            Josiah HOWELL, D.S.
 Filed 1st June 1815.

S.C.C. - William LANGFORD
              William PARKER
Survey taken out 2nd January 1816 by Thos. HALL

Tennessee Early Land Registers, 1778-1927, - Series 03, Plats and Surveys, Record Group 50, Series 02, Book 29, page 178. 

No. 12333. Thomas HALL, assignee of John C. MCLEMORE, by virtue of Certificate #1722 issued by the Register of West Tennessee for 500 acres Enters 25 acres of land in Smith County on the waters of Paytons Creek Beginning on a Beech running north then west for compliment so as to lye on both sides of a branch where PORTER now lives and include a spring at the head of said branch. March 11th, 1814.                                                                                    Thomas HALL

Tennessee Early Land Registers, 1778-1927, - Series 03, Plats and Surveys, Record Group 50, Series 02, Book 30, page 52

No. 14804. Surveyed 1st June 1815.  Thomas HALL, assignee of Josiah HOWELL, by virtue of a Certificate No. 314 issued by the Register of West Tennessee for 50 acres enters six acres of land in Smith County on the waters of Peytons Creek Beginning on a beech tree marked TH running south and west for compliment.  30th March 1815.                                   Thomas HALL

NOTE: #14805 on same certificate 314 was for Joseph CARTWRIGHT, assignee of Josiah HOWELL (mentions CARTWRIGHT's improvement), 12 acres, part of 50 acres, on same date - 30 March 1815 and surveyed same date.

Tennessee Early Land Registers, 1778-1927, - Series 03, Plats and Surveys, Record Group 50, Book 20, page 327

State of Tennessee, First District
By virtue of entry 14805 dated March the 30th 1815 founded on a Certificate No. 314 issued by the Register of West Tennessee for 50 acres, I have surveyed for James CARTWRIGHT, assignee of Josiah HOWELL, twelve acres of land in Smith County on the west fork of Paytons Creek beginning at a stake on the upper part of said CARTWRIGHT's improvement running north sixty poles to an Elm, thence east thirty two poles to a Buckeye, thence south sixty poles to a poplar and dogwood, thence west thirty two poles to the beginning, including the bottom land joining said improvement.
Surveyed May the 5th, 1815.                                   Josiah HOWELL, D.S.
Filed 1st June 1815.

S.C.C. - Joseph COKER, James CARTWRIGHT.
Survey taken out 23rd September 1819 by Andrew PAYNE.