Saturday, July 26, 2014

Reuben and Margaret HALL - Orphans

Two young orphans in the early records of Smith County have occupied my attention for quite some time.    Reuben HALL (born about 1796) and sister Margaret (born about 1793).  They are mentioned in guardianship records on 23 Dec. 1802 Smith County Court.  At same session, letters of administration were taken out on estate of Elizabeth HALL.  After much searching, I believe these two orphans were children of Charlton HALL who was in Sumner County by 1798.  See a LATER post.  

1793                     Birth of Margaret HALL, age 9 in 1802.  Could be later wife of Johnson BEASLEY. 

1796                             Birth of Reuben HALL, age 6 in 1802, and age given as 51
                                    in 1847.  Birthplace unknown

23 Dec. 1802                 Smith County, Tennessee Minute Book, 1799 - 1804, 1835, pages 81 - 82

                                    Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1802 session

                                    Ordered that Reubin HALL be bound to Joel DYER until he arrive at
                                    the age of 21 years he being now about six years old, and the said
                                    Joel DYER came into court and entered into an indenture with the
                                    chairman of the Court and also agreed to learn him the said Reubin
                                    HALL the Blacksmiths, and to have him learned to read, write, &
                                    cypher as far as the Rule of three & give him a set of Black Smith
                                    tools when he becomes free.

                                    Ordered that Margaret HALL be bound to Isaac JOHNS until She
                                    arrives at the age of Eighteen years being now about nine years of
                                    age and the said JOHNS came into Court and entered into
                                    Indenture with the Chearman (sp) of the Court of Smith County.

                        NOTE: Isaac JOHNS died on Feb. 2, 1809, age 32, according to the
                                    Carthage Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 10, dated 11 February 1809.

                                    Joel DYER was buried in Dyer Cemetery about ¼ mile from
                                    Courthouse in Carthage, Tennessee.  His stone as copied in 1937

                                                Joel DYER, Born in N.C., Died in Carthage, Nov. 14, 1856.
                                                Served in Legislature in 1809.  Senate in 1815 - 1821.
                                                Erected by Matilda V. JAMES, 1856. 

                                                Mrs. Mary H. DYER, wife of Joel DYER, Daughter of Daniel
                                                BURFORD and Elizabeth HAWKINS.  Born Oct. 14, 1779?
                                                Died Dec. 11, 1806.  Erected by Matilda JAMES, 1856
                        NOTE: It is believed these two children (Reuben and Margaret HALL) were
                                    orphans of Elizabeth HALL (see below).

                                    Smith County, Tennessee Minute Book, 1799 - 1804, 1835, p. 84
                                    Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1802 session

                                    Ordered that William WALTON have letters of administration on the
                                    Estate of Elizabeth HALL, deceased, who came into court, gave
                                    Security and qualified according to law.

                                    NOTE: The identity of this Elizabeth HALL is unknown.  William
                                    WALTON, her administrator, was one of the founding fathers of
                                    Smith County and played a prominent role in its early history. 

18 November 1819        Smith County, Tennessee County Court Minutes, 1819 - 1820, p.                                                 137
                                    Reuben HALL, Assee, Vs. Joel DYER                            Appeal

This day came the appellant by his attorney and the appeller being solemnly called to come and prosecute his suit, came not but altogether made default, neither in his suit any further prosecuted.  It is therefore considered by the court that the appeller be non suited, and that the appellant depart thereof without day and recover against the appeller his cost by him expended to prosecuting this appeal.

Apparently after he reached adulthood, Reuben HALL sued his guardian DYER.  

November 1822 Smith County, Tennessee Will Book 4, 1820 - 1823, p. 244

                                    Jeremiah BOWEN estate
                                    Inventory dated 2 November 1822 - 1 note for $3.50 from
                                    Ruebin HALL (Also one was listed for Nathan HALL)

17 March 1824   Smith County, Tennessee Deed Book I, pp. 101-102

                                    Richard TAYLOR of Smith Co. to Joseph TAYLOR of Smith Co. TN
                                    … beginning at a beech on the great road leading from Carthage to
                                    Dixon Springs running south one hundred and eight poles to a
beech thence west 83 poles to an elm on the Spring branch, thence running down said branch with its meanders 52 poles to a boulder and beech on William SHEPHERD’s east boundary line thence north with sd. Line 58 poles to a white oak and hickory thence east 116 poles to the beginning, containing 71 acres more
or less.

                                                                        Richard TAYLOR

Witnesses: Reuben HALL, Isham AIKEN
May Term 1825 - duly acknowledged in open court by Richard
TAYLOR and ordered to be certified for registration.

NOTE: This Richard TAYLOR was a native of Buckingham County,
Virginia as referenced in Smith County, Tennessee Court Minutes,
page 362, dated 10 April 1827.  His wife was named Susannah. 

1830 Census                 Smith County, Tennessee, page 69

                                    Reuben HALE

                                    1 male 30 and under 40, 1 female under 5, 1 female 5 and under
                                    10, 1 female 20 and under 30

                                    NOTE: Though listed as HALE, no other individual with the name
                                    Reuben HALE has been found in Smith Co.  The similiarity with
                                    the 1840 census entry of Reuben HALL leads me to believe it
                                    is him. 

2 September 1835         Smith County, Tennessee, Roll 44, County Clerk Minutes, Vol. 15,
                                    February 1834 - November 1835, page 587, Tennessee State
                                    Library and Archives, Nashville

                                    On Motion Andrew PAYNE is appointed guardian to Reuben HALL,
                                    a Lunatic, who came into court and together with Samuel HOWARD
                                    and A. B. HUBBARD, his securities, entered into bond in the sum
                                    of three hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs.

                                    NOTE: Andrew PAYNE was the father of Eusibius PAYNE.  Eusibius
                                    PAYNE is suspected of being the father of Eusibius P.HALL, son
                                    of Susan HALL and grandson of Claiborne HALL. 

30 Nov. 1835                 Smith County, Tennessee County Clerk Minutes, 1799-1804,
                                    1835, WPA Transcript, page 194.  Microfilm V202, Roll 78

                                    On motion ordered that Andrew PAYNE be released from all
                                    further liability as Guardian of Reuben HALL, after he settle his
                                    guardianship and return also the effects in his hands belonging
                                    to the said HALL to him. 

1840 Census                 Smith County, Tennessee, page 296

                                    Reuben HALL
                                    1 male 5 and under 10, 1 male 30 and under 40, 2 females 10 and
                                    under 15, 1 female 15 and under 20, 1 female 20 and under 30,
                                    Total - 6, 2 employed in agriculture

                                    NOTE: Reuben HALL was living next door to William HEROD
                                    and three households away from Peter HEROD, sons of William
                                    HEROD, Sr.
1847                             Smith Co.  TN Loose Chancery Records,  Case of Leonard BALLOW
                                    etal. Vs. Green PROCTOR etal.

                                    Reuben HALL testified that he was about 51 years of age and had
                                    lived within ½ mile of the couple (L. D. and Ann BALLOW) for over
two years, over ½ that time within sight.  His testimony centered around the treatment of a negro girl named Rose.

Peter HEROD, age 60, the brother of Elizabeth HEROD HALL (wife
of Claiborne HALL) also testified in the case.  He was a neighbor
of the couple.

No record has been found of Reuben HALL after 1847 - no location in 1850 census.

I suspect that Margaret HALL, his sister, may have married Johnson BEASLEY.  She is the logical choice from the 1850 census - some online sources have Johnson's wife as Margaret "Peggy" GREEN but I have found NO documentation of this.  

Margaret BEASLEY, age 57, born VA is living in 1850 census of Smith Co. with Latitia J. OLDHAM, age 8, born TN.    In 1860 Smith Co. TN, she is age 62(?), born VA, with Irving BEASLEY, age 23, born TN.   

Is there any proof that Margaret was a GREEN to refute my theory that she could be a HALL?  


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