Saturday, July 26, 2014


                         CHARLTON HALL

In researching the possible father of Reuben and Margaret HALL who were left orphans in December 1802 with the death of Elizabeth HALL, there is only one real possibility. 

Smith County, Tennessee was formed  in 1799 from Sumner County.    

1798 tax list of Sumner Co. TN, Tennessee State Library and Archives, original record

“A list of the free tithable inhabitants in the districts of Captain WILIAMS, BRADLEY’s, MURRY’s, CARR’s & HARPOLE’s Companies.  (this is the area of county that became Smith Co. in 1799). 

155 Cain ECIFF
156 William MCMAHON
158 Charlton HALL
159 Patrick MCBRIDE
160 William BEARD
161 George POE
162 Nathaniel MCBRIDE

261 William WILKERSON
262 Josiah R__(?)
263 James MORGAN
264 Joel DIER
265 David COCHRAN
266 Anthony SAMUEL
267 William HANEY
269 Richard. HEATON
270 James BRADLEY
271 Wliam GIBSON
272 Thomas BOWMAN
273 James BOWMAN
274 Robert BOWMAN
1799 Tax List, Smith Co. TN, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville
“A list of Capt. Jas. BELEW’s Company their taxable property and poles for the year 1799

David COCHRAN – 2 black poles
Joel DYER – 2 white poles; 2 black poles
James MORGAN – 1 white pole
(all these are consecutive)
There is NO entry for Charlton HALL - either he died or perhaps he is the other white poles (poll) listed under Joel DYER!  The fact that Joel DYER purchased the land later owned by Claiborne HALL cannot be a coincidence!  

NOTE: Joel DYER (Jr.) believed to brother of a Charlton DYER awho were sons of Joseph DYER of Virginia and Grainger Co. TN.  Joel DYER was appointed guardian of Reuben HALL to learn trade of blacksmith in 1802.  This Joel DYER is affiliated in some Sumner Co. TN records with David COCHRAN who came from Caswell Co. NC.  William HAYNIE, Sr. and several other early Smith Countians came from Caswell Co. NC.  In 1802 Joel DYER sued Nathaniel DICKERSON, Sr. and Nathaniel DICKERSON, Jr. in Sumner Co. – they were also from Caswell Co. NC.  There was a William HALL who migrated from Caswell Co. NC to Smith Co. TN (for five years about 1813) and then went on to Missouri.  This William HALL was a Rev. War pensioner. 

NOTE: This Cain ECIFF above near Charlton HALL is Cain ACUFF who moved from Spotsylvania/Caroline Co. VA to Henry Co. VA and then came to Smith Co. TN.  He has a near relative named Cain ACUFF whose children appear to marry Halls in Grainger Co. TN. 

Petitioners of Sumner County, TN dated 30 September 1799 to the House of
Representatives 30 September 1799:  The Honourable the General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee The Petition of a number of inhabitants of the
upper end of Sumner County Eastwardly of Rocky Creek Respectively sheweth
that from the great extent of said county we humbly conceive it ought to be
divided into two separate and distinct counties we having advertised
agreeable to law respecting the division of counties.  We your petitioners
beg leave to state your honourable body some of the hardships we labored
under in our present situation, many of us having to attend courts and
general assembly & other publick meetings at the distance of sixty and
seventy miles which makes our local situation disagreeable from these
reasons and many others........ could assign to your ...we beg leave to
recommend to your honourable body to divide the said county of Sumner
as follows:
begining at a portion on the line which divides the State of Kentucky from
this State which is a due south course will strike the head of the main fork
of Rocky Creek and down the same to its confluence with the Cumberland
River thence a South Southeast course to the INDIAN BOUNDARY and
all that part of the said county lying Eastward from the above described
line is the part we wish it in Justice think ought to be formed into a
Separate county and we your petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray.

        1799 SUMNER COUNTY, TN by Wanda Gant [some names illegible
& not included] [as always, check the original record for accuracy]

1799 petition of residents of Sumner Co. TN -

Presly, David
Hardison, Gabriel
Cage, Wilson
Young, Samuel
Carr, William
Stephenson, William
Hall, Charelton
Cooper, John
Gwin, James
Strain, James
Sulyvan, Isom
Sulyvan, Daniel
Miles, John
Dancey, Henry
Hensley, Charles
Cooper, James
Hensley, Harmon
Fisher, James
Fisher, John
Johnson, James
Stratton, Owen
Box, Isaac
Box, Stephen
Sadler, Henry
Bower, Richard
Enochs, Shadrick
Furgerson, Alex
Burk, John
Eubanks, William
Galbraith, W.
Dyer, Joel Jr.
Morgan, James
Dier, Joel [Dyer]
Chambers, John
Chambers, James
Loving, William
NOTE: I excerpted those around HALL and DYER – there are many others but Charlelton HALL is the only with surname HALL. 
                          JOEL DYER, Jr.
                           (ca. 1769 – 1836)

DYER researchers believe he is son of Joseph DYER who was born in Caroline Co. VA, son of John DYER.  Joseph DYER is found living in Halifax Co. VA, Pittsylvania Co. VA,.  He migrated to Grainger Co. TN, back to Virginia (Henry Co. VA in 1807), then died in Grainger Co. TN by 1813.  A probably brother of Joel DYER, Jr. was Charlton DYER who was born about 1780 in NC or VA; moved to Grainger Co. TN with his father.

Joel DYER was in the Tennessee state legislature.  There is information in the Carthage Gazette in the 1810s.    He once owned the land purchased in 1811 by Claiborne HALL.  He is in many records with the HALLs, was appointed guardian to Reuben HALL in 1802.  He has to be someone of importance to the family. 

Dr. A. B. PRUITT, Glasgow Land Fraud Papers, Part 2, page 80.  1783 – 1800

Soldier Andrew HIDE, 274 acres, assignment by Andrew HIDE to Joel DYER, warrant drawn by S. DONELSON, certified by Jno. MEDERS, surveyed for Joel DYER.  Remarks: assignment forged by S. DONELSON, mustered. 
NOTE: Following this history of this 274 acres, it becomes the 274 acres owned by John WALTERS in which he sold part to Claiborne HALL in 1812! 

11 March 1954 – “Cal’s Column” as published in Macon County (TN) Times
Joel DYER of 1802 lived Peyton’s Creek below the present town of Pleasant Shade, somewhere about the village of Graveltown.  He erected the first mill of which we have any record on that streatm.  He was commonly called Big Joel DYER, he having a son, commonly called Little Joel DYER (Rick’s note – this last statement has been proven untrue!). 

Two sons of Joel DYER are remember to have lived in Carthage.  The older, B. F. DYER, was a tailor and carried on that business there for awhile.  He married the daughter of Maj. Wm. HAYNIE and emigrated to Texas some fifty or more years ago.  The younger studied medicine, practiced a while in Carthage, then went to Hartsville where he attained considerable reputation as a physician.  Dr. James DYER was a man above ordinary intelligence, of strong convictions, high predjudices, but sincere and honest, and possessed of the confidence and esteem of the community in which he lived.

I have much more info on Joel DYER, Jr.  in Smith Co. TN and on the other DYERs in Virginia and Grainger Co. TN.  There is a John HALL (married Grizel) in Grainger Co. TN living in same area as Joseph DYER and Charlton DYER.    There are other Halls in that area as well – William HALL, James HALL, and a Thomas HALL who bought land in 1816 – 1818 period.  John HALL and wife Grizell relocated to Bledsoe Co. TN about 1819.  Various descendants have John’s birthplace as Virginia and North Carolina.  

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