Saturday, May 31, 2014

Claiborne Hall in Smith County - 1812 - 1820 records

25 March 1812, Smith County, Tennessee Deed Book D, page 127
Claiborne HALL purchased 37 acres of land by estimation for $100 on the waters of Taylors Branch from John WALTERS.  It mentions WALTERS and TAYLOR’s lines.   Witnesses to the deed were William HEROD (father-in-law) and Daniel M. LANE (who had married Mary Ann HEROD, another daughter of William). 
The land purchased by Claiborne HALL on this date is in the First District of the county north of Carthage and south of present-day Monoville, near the Tanglewood Community.  Taylors branch was a branch of Peyton’s Creek.  The area in which Claiborne HALL lived his entire adult life became known as Hall’s Hill and is still listed as such on present day maps. 

7 February 1812, Smtih County, Tennessee Deed Book D, pages 104-105
John WALTERS of Smith Co. TN deeded a gift of land to his beloved daughter Jean WALTERS (also listed as WATERS) of Smith Co. TN.  270 acres all the tract or parcel of land (exclusive of 25 acres thereof by him heretofore conveyed to Claiborne HALL by deed bearing date on the __ day of ___) where I now live in Smith Co. bounded by Richard TAYLOR.  WALTERS states he reserves the use and privilege and free occupation of said premises to himself during the said John WALTERS’ natural life.  The will was witnessed by Joel DYER and James MCNUTT. 

Since this deed is dated 7 February and the Claiborne HALL deed is dated 25 March, it is apparent that Claiborne HALL had already intended to purchase the land. 
John WALTERS has been found in records in both Stafford Co. VA and Spotsylvania Co. VA and appears to be connected with William HEROD as they are in documents together in both locations.

Joel Dyer will be an important individual and appears to be connected with Charlton HALL who died in Smith County in the 1790s. What is that connection??   The land Claiborne HALL is purchasing was earlier owned by Joel DYER when one traces it history.    Sure wish I could find this Charlton HALL before his arrival in Smith/Sumner County.  I believe he left two children - Reuben and Margaret HALL for whom William WALTON is appointed guardian in 1802 after the death of their mother Elizabeth HALL.    What is connection with DYER family???  

From later court records, it appears John WALTERS deeded this land as a gift to his daughter Jean.  Jean married John MORRIS in 1818 and died in 1819.  MORRIS lived in Carthage at that time and took in John WALTERS for a while.  The court records indicate WALTERS sued his own son Jesse WALTERS and his former son-in-law John MORRIS who were supposed to maintain he and his wife throughout their lifetime but did not.  These court records do indicate he was from Virginia.  I have followed John WALTERS to his death in 1832 in Smith Co. TN and have found no further reference of a connection with Claiborne HALL.    

Smith County, Tennessee County Court Minutes 1813 – 1815, page 306
8 May 1815 – Claiborne HALL (and others) were permitted to return to the county court a list of their taxable for the year 1815. 

November term 1816 – Smith County, Tennessee Will Book D, page 44
Clabron HALL purchased 6 pewter basons and trowel at estate sale of James PIPER, deceased.  Other purchasers included: Alexander PIPER, Willie WILLMORE, Edward CARTER, Widow PIPER, John MORGAN, Patrick GARROTT, Norman MATHEWSON, William H. GREGORY, John E. BAKER, John PIPER, John MCKINNIS, Alexander MCKINNIS, David MCKINNIS, Lewis SHEPHERD, William PHILLIPS, Braddock BEASLEY, Dilcy PIPER, Christopher DUDLEY, Alfred DAWS, Laban GREGORY, William GREGGORY, John AKINS, Jonathan KEY, Allen MITCHEAL, John LANEFORD, Robert CLARK, Joel DYRE, Abraham PIPER. 

Note the Deed Book D of Smith Co. TN, page 218 indicates that on 21 July 1812 Abraham PIPER, Sr. granted to Alexander PIPER, Charles MUNDINE, and James PIPER, Baptist Church org. on Peyton’s Creek, 1 acre, on road from Carthage to DYER’s Mill, then northwesterly to my north boundary line near Burwell KEMP’s Spring to use for religious purposes.  Witnesses: John HODGES, Neill SMITH.    Some Hall descendants were members of Peyton’s Creek Baptist Church.  

Smith County, Tennessee County Court Minutes, 1813 – 1818 – 1820, page 240
9 November 1818 – Claiborne HALL was appointed as road overseer in the stead of John GOODREN and is to have the same hands and bounds.

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