in Smith Co. TN Area – A Timeline
I am unsure if all these are the same individual (John HALL). As a matter of fact, they are probably not. I am interested in the surname CHANDLER as YATES and CHANDLER of Halifax Co. VA have some DNA relationship with my Claiborne HALL line. PARKERs are of interest as William PARKER was a chain carrier for Thomas Hall in two Smith Co. land grants. Isaac JOHNS, son of Benjamin JOHNS, was appointed guardian for Margaret HALL, orphan of Charlton and Elizabeth HALL, in 1802. Trying to sort out the HALL relationships in Smith Co. - all input and questions appreciated!
Dixon’s Creek Baptist Church Minutes, 1799-1807 – WPA
Dixon’s Creek Baptist Church Minutes, 1799 – 1852, WPA
NOTE: There appears to be two different versions of
this. I suspect WPA made a more complete
version of the transcription (1799-1853) as well as an abridged version. Hard to tell.
I have included both here (first the 1799-1807 version followed by the
1799-1853 version!
HERE BEGINS the 1799-1807 transcription by WPA
January 1800
(page 3) Saturday
before the 2nd Lord’s Day in Jany. 1800
A church meeting being called to look into the conduct of
Bro. John HALL, the members met agreeable to appointment and after prayer
proceeded to business.
(page 4)
After charge of Bro.
HALL being investigated he was found guilty of charging Harburd LENEAR Hireline
exorbitantly for work done for him to the amount of Two Dollars, which money
Bro. HALL promises to refund to sd. Hiriling – The Church waits with Bro. HALL
til the Saturday before the Second Lord’s Day in Feby for him to report his
Saturday befor the 2nd Lord’s Day in Feby (1800).
The Church met in Conference at Bro. BURFORD’s. Bro. HALL
reprots to the Church he had seen the impropriety of his conduct toward (page
5) the sd. Hirilings from which he was restored to full fellowship.
page 6 – 8 March 1800
Members of Dixon’s Creek Church – Daniel BURFORD ordained to
Ministry of the Gospel.
Members listed included Daniel BURFORD, Wm. MARTIN, Benj.
On same date church published a lengthy statement of faith
it was signed by several members included Seeah(?) HALL.
page 40 – Saturday before the 1st Sunday in
September 1806
Recd. Elizabeth CHANDLER by letter into our Fellowship.
NOTE: There are NO Halls or Chandlers in Dixon’s Creek
Church Minutes from 1807 – 1811. Benj.
JOHNS still there as well as Esther JOHNS, Elias JOHNS, Josiah RUCKS, Miles and
Lucy WEST, Becky PARKER, Dr. PARKER, Drusilla PARKER, Brethren PARKER, L.
PARKER. The 1812 – 1818 church minutes
contain no HALLs or CHANDLERS but do include Benj. JOHNS, Esther JOHNS, Hester
PARKER, Drusella PARKER, Lucy PARKER, Rhode PARKER, Richard PARKER, Sarah
PARKER, Wm. PARKER, Wm. PARKER, Jr., and Wm. PARKER, Sr. On page 27 of the 1812
– 1818 minutes it mentions Spring Creek Church Cedar Grove meeting house was
requesting ministerial helps to help them constitute a church and ordain
deacons. Bro. Josiah RUCKS and John WISEMAN appointed.
HERE BEGINS THE 1799-1853 Transcription version by WPA
page 1 – Saturday before the First Lord’s Day in Jany. 1800
A church meeting being called to look into the conduct of
Br. John HALL it was alledged has committed a fraud in the hireling by the name
of Herbert LENEAR. On examining the subject that Br. HALL has exacted on said
Herbert to the amount of two dollars, which the alld. to refund nevertheless or
not (unreadable) that contrition calls for him to agree with him until next
meeting (unreadable). The Lord will give him (unreadable). Adj.
page 2 – Saturday before the 2nd Lord’s day in
Feby. 1800
Church met at Br. BURFORD’s Br. HALL appeared and gave
satisfaction respecting his conduct toward Herbert LENEAR, no which he was
restored to the privileges of the church. Adj. by prayer.
pages 5- 6 – Saturday before the 2nd Lord’s Day
in June 1800
Br. and Sister HALL dismissed by letter.
Other version states (page 15)– “John HALL and his wife
Susannah dismissed by letter.”
page 9 – Saturday before the 2nd Lord’s Day in
July 1801
Read the letters of certain members received at Br. BRITTAIN’s
Saturday before the 4th Lord’s Day in last month, viz. Mary BURTON, Jacob KENNADY, Jane KENNADY,
Polly CAMPBELL, John LAMB, Rachel LAMB, Hezekiah HUGHES, James WRIGHT, and
Sally HALL, the two last transient emmbers.
page 22 – Saturday before the 2nd Lord’s Day in
March 1803 – A List of members included Danl. BURFORD, Benj. JOHNS, Abraham
PIPER, Alexr. PIPER, Sally HALL – 50 total members listed
pages 40-41 – Saturday before 2nd Lord’s Day in
August 1805
List of members included Daniel BURFORD, Benj. JOHNS, Jos.
SITTON, Jaffrey SITTON, Sally HALL, Rebecca PIPER, Sarah PIPER, Richard PARKER,
Polly PARKER, Miles WEST, Lucy WEST.
Friday, 24 Dec 1802 – Smith Co. TN Court Minutes, 1799-1804,
page 85
Ordered that the following report of the Sheriff for taxable
property not returned for taxation for the year 1802 be received: ..... John
HALL, 2560 acres South side of Cumberland.
Tuesday, 23 June 1803 – Smith Co. TN Court Minutes, 1799 –
1804, page 103
The Court enters judgement against the following persons for
taxes due & payable on the tracts of land hereinafter mentioned. The owners
of the same having failed to return for the year 1802. ...John HALL, 2560
acres, South side Cumberland River. It is therefore ordered that as much of the
aforesaid lands be condemned by the said court as will be sufficient to pay the
taxes and Incidental costs accruing thereon.
1803 – Vernon Roddy, The Lost Town of Bledsoeborough, (privately
printed, 1984), pp. 53 – 55
Inhabitants of Smith County TN – “act has been passed for
erection of a public bldg. in said co. we pray that it be on north or south
bank of Cumberland River...”
Wilson CAGE, Samuel TAYLOR, John HALL, Ma(?) TAYLOR, James H___(?)
– many others!
23 August 1803
Wilson County,
TN Wills Book 1, pages 99 – 100
KAVANAUGH Bond. Thomas FARRIS of Sumner County TN is bonded unto William
KAVANAUGH of Sumner Co. TN. Witnesses – John HALL, James WRATHER, Moses
NOTE: I highly
suspect this is the same John HALL who lived in Sumner County but owned land in
Smith Co. TN. Moses PINKSTON is connected with HALLs in several records and
lived nearby in Smith Co. It appears he had lived in Madison Co. KY
(possibly) and married Nancy DOUGLASS. The interconnection of HALLs with
the DOUGLASS family in various locations including Sumner County is intriguing.
Moses PINKSTON was in the 1820 census of Wayne Co. KY (a HALL
connection there later with Mary Ann HALL, Claiborne's daughter marrying Joshua
B. COX), 1830 census of Callaway Co. MO; 1840 census of Benton Co. MO; and the
1850 census of Benton Co. MO (age 75, born NC) . Moses PINKSTON
was born in 1774 in Rowan Co. NC, son of Bazel PINKSON and Keziah CLAY and he
died in 1860 in Weatherford, Parker Co. TX.
June 1806 –
Hogan’s Creek Baptist Church Minutes, 1806-1821,
e-mail from
– Robert Wagner – dated 25 July 1819
On Saturday
before the 1st Sunday in June 1806 by order of Dixon's Creek church the
following members of Dixon Creek church met at the mouth of Caney Fork river,
to wit: George Tilman, Daniel Burford, Joseph Sittons, Thomas Bank, Benjamin
Johns, Miles West, and Thos. Jones and held a conference with the authority to
receive members by letter and experience and to administer the ordinance of
baptism. Received Wm. Hodge, James Killebrew and his wife, Nancy, Kinsban
Killebrew and Martha his wife, Charles Boulton and Betsy his wife, Stephen and
Frank (black men), Anna Passmore(?), Temperance Smith, Anna Morris, Patty
(black woman), and Joe (a black man) and baptized them the day following.
Samuel (?) Burford, Richard ------, William Martin, Richard --------, Benjamin
Barton, Kerin(?) Banks, S. Hall, Tom, Charles, Sarah, and Rose (black people)
received by letter. The above proceedings was at the 1st meeting of the Dixon
Creek church.
6 September
Saturday Sept. 6, 1806
Met at the Mouth of Caney Fork after singing
and prayer. Received Jonas Whitley, Delilah Stallings, Lucy Hodge, Elizabeth
Chanler, two negro women named Milly and Rachel,Kin(?) Killebrew, Thomas
Killebrew, Martha Killebrew, and Mills Stallings by letter. Bill and Abram by
experience, both belonging to Col. Wm Walton.
Note from Robert Waggoner who has researched
the history of Hogan’s Creek Baptist Church – e-mail from dated
[Hogan’s Creek Church] was originally close to Carthage maybe closer to where
the rivers come together. Carthage was just being founded around
1806 and probably why the Dixon Creek people were moving to Carthage. One or
more of them held elected positions in the county gov't. There is a mention of
meeting at the mouth of the Caney Fork and also meeting at the
"Seats" which I believe to be benches maybe set up either there or
maybe on into town. Also later meeting at Mr. Parker's in Carthage. They later
bought land from Hogan whose grandfather earned it as a General in the Rev.
War. He died in a prison during the war and his son never came here. The
grandson came and sold off tracts of the 1,000's of acres he owned.
4 March 1808
Wilson County, Tennessee
Grant Book, Vol. C, 1807 – 1809, page 146
John FRANCISCO to John
HALL State of North Carolina – 4 March 1808.
John FRANCISCO of Kentucky and John HALL of Sumner County, Tennessee for
$640 tract of land granted by NC to George FRANCISCO, No. 26, lying on south
side of Cumberland river in Wilson County which was formerly Davidson County on
Barton’s creek. Borders Thomas KILGORE,
Luther MARTIN.
Witness: Edward DOUGLASS,
Proven by oath of Edward
DOUGLASS at June term 1808.
28 Sept 1813 – Smith Co. TN Court Minutes, 1813-1815, page
Tuesday, Sep. 28, 1813 – John HALL was duly elected
constable in Capt. DAWSON’s Company who took oath of office together with John
HALL and David COFFEE his security entered into bond conditioned according to
16 February 1814
Smith Co. TN Will Book B,
page 98 - Sale of the Estate of James
BRADLEY, deceased. 16 February
1814. Buyers included Elizabeth BRADFORD
(BRADLEY?) – a bunch of household items, M. DUKE, William MOORE, V. RUST,
William LEGGIN, Ry Thomas RALF, Joseph SANDERSON, Moses BOULTON, John GORDEN,
William TROUSDALE, William SISEMORE, John HALL – skillet - $0.50; Willie
WHITLEY, John MORROW – riding gig - $10.00; Robert ALLEN, E. FULLER, Daniel
hired negro Hannah for $31.00; William CLANAHAN.
14 February 1815 – Smith Co. TN Court Minutes, 1813 – 1815,
page 279
John HALL, constable – levies against Obadiah WOODSON in
favor of David LYNCH, no prersonal property found but 60 acres adj. lands of
Josiah MARTIN, Elizabeth ELGIN and others on Dry fork of Mulherins Creek.
page 96 – John HALL appointed commissioner of DAWSON’s
Company, May term 1815
12 August 1815
Smith Co. TN Will Book C,
page 97 – Sale of the Estate of Daniel MORROW, deceased. 12 August 1815. Buyers include John HILL, John MORROW, Betsey
HALL – two chairs $.57 ½; chest $.25, Lewis WASHBURN, Seth RUSSELL, John HALL –
looking glass $0.09, and David HALL – bottle and tray $.25.
NOTE: This is Daniel Benjamin MORROW, born 1754
Caswell Co. NC; died 1815 Smith Co. TN – married on 8 October 1790 in Caswell
Co. NC to Frances “Fanny” HALL, daughter of David HALL and Dorcas ALLEY. It seems likely the John HALL here was a
brother of Fanny’s.
MORE research needed on this John and David HALL.
NOTE: William Henry HALL, was a RW soldier – son of
David HALL and Dorcas ALLEY – he was born 1761 in Henrico Co. VA; he states he
was living in Caswell Co. NC when called into service; lived there until he was
near 30 years old (so about 1791); then moved to Rowan Co. NC for 22 or 23
years; then to Smith Co. TN where he lived for five years; then to Montgomery
Co. MO where he had lived 14 years at time of his 1832 declaration. SO residence in Smith Co. TN from 1813 to
1818 roughly. He states he was a substitute
in the war for Bazel DAVIS; then for Charles CANNON in Virginia. He was enlisted by Col. James SANDERS in
Caswell Co. There was a draft in
Virginia and he served under Col. Peter ROGERS and a Col. Flemming BATES of
Halifax , Virginia.
15 August 1815 – Smith Co. TN Minutes, 1813- 1815,
page 350(?)
John HALL was duly elected constable in Capt.
PARKER’s Company who qualified and entered into bond with David WALL and David
COFFEE his security according to law.
NOTE: Several other references to a John HALL!
14 May 1816 – Smith Co. TN Minute Book, 1815- 1817,
page 106
Tuesday morning, May 14, 1816
On motion David COFFEE was apptd. constable in Capt.
HUGHES Company who qualified and entered into bond with John HALL and David
WALLACE his security according to law. (NOTE: David COFFEE on Ancestry, b. 6
Feb 1775 Bedford Co. VA, wife Cynthia MEADOWS; died 22 Feb 1822 Smith Co. TN.
13 August 1816 – Smith Co. TN Minute Book,
1815-1817, pages 159-160
Tues. Aug 13th, 1816
ordered that William MOORES, Littleberry HUGHS,
Esquire, and John LIGGON be apptd. commissioners to settle with John HALL, Adm.
of the Estate of Daniel MOORE, Decd. and report to next court.
12 May 1817 – Smith Co. TN Minute Book, 1815-1817,
page 260
Henry CONGER to Joshua CONGER, 320 acres proven by
John HALL and Enos HARREL, witnesses. (NOTE: the 13 Nov. 1815 session had deed
from James BURNETT to Samuel HALL for 78 acres proven in open court by oaths of
Joshua CONGER and Thos. R. BURNETT, Witnesses).
March 1819
Smith Co. TN Wills Book D,
page 342-343 – Sale of the Estate of Mills STALLINGS, deceased – 5 march 1819 –
Buyers include John HALL – two bee hives - $6.00 – others include Littleberry
HUGHES, David WHITLEY, John LIGON, Charity STALLINGS, Elizabeth PATY, Charles
PATY, Thomas STALLINGS, and others.
27 April 1819
Wilson Co. TN
Deed Book G, page 353
of Sumner County to John HALL of Sumner County, 134 acres on Smith’s Fork.
5 June 1819
Wilson County,
TN Deed Book H, page 3
Wm. BUMPASS to John
HALL of Sumner County, a town lot in the town of Maryville.
5 June 1819
John HALL of
Sumner County to George L. SMITH, 36(?) acres on Smith’s Fork.
There are 3 John
HALL entries in 1820 census of Sumner Co. TN
All of them are
26 and under 45 - placing a date of birth between 1775 and 1794.
1820 Census, Smith County,
Tennessee, page 437
John HALL #867 1 white male under 10, 1 white male
10-16; 2 white males 16-26;
1 white male 45 and upwards; 3
white females under 10; 1 white
10 and under 16; 1 white female 26 and under 45. 3 employed in agriculture.
#866 was James HODGES
#868 was James HERROD.(brother-in-law of Claiborne HALL)
All H’s are together in
1820 census.
24 Feb 1821 – Smith Co TN Court Minutes, County Court, Book
9, page 198
Saturday morning, Feb. 24, 1821
Isaac and James SITTLER vs. John HALL – Debt
This day came the plaintiffs by their attorneys and the
defendant failing to appear and defend this suit solemnly called. On mition it
is considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the deft. $133.75
the debt in the writing obligatory specified, and $7.69 interest thereon &
their cost by then about this suit in his behalf expended. (NOTE: Isaac SITTLER
is in the 1820 and 1830 census of Davidson Co. TN).
5 January 1827
Smith Co. TN Deed Book K,
page 30
5 Jan 1827 – William
WILSON of Smith County to John HALL of same for $550 , tract on waters of
Mulherin’s Creek, adjoining Leond.(?) HOGAN, deceased, John DAWSON’s corner,
John L. HARTIN’s line, 100 acres – Witnesses: Exum WHITLEY, Clabourn WILSON.
acknowledged in open court
by oaths of Exum WHITLEY and Clabourn WILSON November term 1828.
NOTE: Claiborne WILSON was
20-30 in 1830 census Smith Co. TN. Per
Supreme Court case, Claiborne WILSON died 1842 in Smith Co. TN, leaving widow
Margaret. Some internet sources on
Ancestry show him as born 4 Dec 1807, son of William WILSON and Sarah “Sally”
BREVARD and married in 1826 to Margaret SKELTON. Burial in Clabourn WILSON
Cemetery. Also known as Sampson Cemetery.
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